As a homeowner, winter isn’t something you should just expect to come and go without worrying about anything. On the contrary, You should be preparing your home for the coming winter months before it hits. Strengthening your home for the oncoming elements is crucial if you want to make sure your house and its components won’t sustain any damage from the extreme cold. The following are just some of the reasons why waterproofing and winterizing your home is essential right in the middle of fall.

Poor Waterproofing

If this will be your first winter in your new house, it pays to know just how good its waterproofing is before winter. For those living in their house for a couple of years, you still need to pay attention to your waterproofing as it can wear out as the seasons come and go. Homes with basements are especially vulnerable to the presence of water due to flooding or leaks to your sewer line. If you have any waterproofing issues, particularly in your basement, you’re at risk of suffering significant foundation issues due to water damage. 

Maintenance Work is Harder During Winter

Winter might be fun for children, but it can actually bring a lot of problems with it that adults will have to deal with. This is why you don’t want to get caught in the middle of a maintenance issue at home once the snow starts to build up or even when the ground hardens during winter. This is because exterior waterproofing can be quite a challenge at this point. Frost can damage the solvent coatings that are needed to properly coat and waterproof a foundation in wintertime. Basically, any type of waterproofing work should be done just before the cold kicks in, or you risk doing more harm than good to your foundation.

Melting Snow Spells Trouble

If you think everything is over once the snow starts to melt, you should think again. If you do not encounter any problems in the middle of winter, those issues may begin to present themselves when the snow starts to melt. Remember, all that snow gathered around the base or foundation of your home will soon melt and turn to water, which is when your waterproofing will be put to the test. Don’t let this happen to you, making sure your entire house’s waterproofing is in order before winter.

Clogged Gutters and Downspouts

Waterproofing also involves checking any possible water sources and pathways if they’re clear from any debris before winter kicks in. As mentioned before, when the snow melts, that’s the time when some of the more serious issues could occur. Having a clogged gutter and downspout will only make matters worse for you. Instead of water being directed away from your exterior walls, they’ll be exposed to more water once the snow melts. Remember when water from gutter downspouts doesn’t make it far away enough from your house, it can pool around your home’s foundation, leading to hydrostatic pressure on the foundation that can flood your crawlspace.


All this prep work is vital if you want to have a stress-free and worry-free winter. Otherwise, you’ll be facing a mountain of repair work that can be pretty expensive. So, make it a habit to have your entire house checked as early as spring or the middle of fall to see if you’re ready for winter.

One Stop Plastering is the preferred residential and commercial stucco plastering company in the entire San Francisco Bay Area. Our team works with homeowners and contractors to make sure your house is ready regardless of the season. Whenever you need exterior plaster and stucco services, our team is ready to help. Contact us today to request a service.